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More birthdays!

Today is Kyle’s 12th birthday, Melissa’s second son, and he’s excited about being twelve.  He’s a good looking young man, a very good student with great organizational skills, and loves to drive his Mother bonkers on any given day!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!!

Allison, Scott’s wife, is also having a birthday today and she, too, is excited about having her special day…maybe for different reasons but it’s special regardless.  We’re thankful for her and glad she’s a part of this crazy family.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLISON!!!

We’re going to Louisville in the morning to attend Chester’s funeral and spend a little time with Margaret.  I talked with her yesterday and she’s quite distraught, as any good wife would be, but assures me she’s OK…whatever that means at a time like this.  We thought we’d go today, but Melissa is painting several of the bedrooms and we were afraid she’d put us to work so we’re staying put!

As I walked this morning I was listening to my radio and these words from some song just jumped out at me.  They went something like this…“The Lord’s greatest gift to us may be unanswered prayers”.  That is so true and I’m thankful many of my prayers were “unanswered” as I thought they should be.  My life would have been so different, I’m sure.  I am truly blessed with a fabulous husband, children, grandchildren, extended family, and friends.  Have a great day!
