Today has been another fun day in the life of a Wilmore resident celebrating the 4th of July.  It started at 10 a.m. with a parade that went through town..and, of course, it was raining…and it included some really unique participants The best was a bunch of “old” men and their lawn mowers…they choreographed it but it was still weak. Oh well, they seemed to enjoy doing it so guess that made it worth while. After the parade, everyone either walked or rode over to the Wilmore campground for lunch, music, crafts available for purchase, free pony rides, and a spelling bee. Each of the Crockett boys were in the spelling bee but only Jerod came in first place in his division…a $10 prize went with the honor of winning. It was fun and they enjoyed being in it. Meredith wouldn’t participate since that’s not one of her most fun things to do.
When we got back home we had a note on the door from some people we saw at Chester’s funeral and had known for years…Ron and Linda Pogue Smith. They invited us to go to the R.J. Corman big celebration tonight at his farm…he’s probably the “big-wig” of these parts…and gave us our tickets. When we got there this evening, it was once again raining. Well, while we were in the food line the sky opened up and we had a down pour with wind, lightning, and thunder. Thankfully we were able to stay in the food barn so we survived just fine. The dinner was good and he spared no expense for the hundreds, or maybe the thousands, that were eating. When we were finally brave enough to leave that area, our friends and all their family had left…so we decided to head back for the house. We did see Ron and Linda as we were leaving and they were soaked to the bones! There is a concert going on right now and fireworks at 10 p.m. but I doubt we’ll go back over there. We still have our tickets, as they never collected them, but rain is still in the area and it’s not worth the trouble. We may go to the local park and see some with the Crockett’s and some of their friends but that, too, is up in the air.  Regardless of the weather, it’s been a fun day and I’m proud we were able to celebrate our country’s birthday here in Wilmore.
Sunday is the beginning of camp week and I’m looking forward to being there. I love the people we’re going with so that makes all the hard work worth while. It’s suppose to rain the first part of the week and I’m sure it will be humid and hot the remainder of the week. Oh well, that goes with camping!
Have a good weekend and here’s a couple of quotes from Barbara Johnson’s book Daily Splashes of Joy..
“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always discover forgiveness”….
“Men are smartest at fifty – precisely the age when there’s nobody in the house who will listen to them” (Bill Vaughn)… “
An optimist takes cold water thrown upon his idea, heats it with enthusiasm, and uses the steam to push ahead”…
“A family reunion is the most effective form of birth control”.