Our few days of having Kyle and Tyler are quickly coming to an end. Kyle will be going home this afternoon…has to work tonight…but Tyler will be hanging around until Sunday. The boys have had a great time with their cousins and have been on the go since they arrived. They have played baseball…imagine that!…basketball, went swimming, fishing, and played games on the x-box. It has been a great few days and fills my heart with joy to see these boys…along with Meredith…have so much fun together and have a sincere love for each other. Hope they will be able to come back soon! It’s, also, amazing just how much 5 teenage boys can eat! It seems to be one continuous meal but I feel so blessed that we can keep up with them…not eating but preparing all that food.
We continue to stay busy at the “blue house” but will have a four day rest this next week…as of now. Lots of people are bringing their kids to check out the university and our guest house is the ideal place for a family. August is full, except for 3 scattered days, so that’s good. We’re still loving what we’re doing so all continues to be well here in our little “Mayberry”.
Not much news to share so guess I’ll get busy doing something constructive. Have a great weekend and enjoy these beautiful summer days. Love to you all.