After a week of absolutely stunning weather, we jumped back into summer with the high temperatures and extremely high humidity. Now…well, we’re back into fall and again with the open windows, no AC, and a cloudy/rainy day. The weather is currently experiencing some PMS so we’ll just accept, and enjoy, whatever we’re given. Sure not our usual July weather, that’s for sure!
On those extremely hot, high humidity days, George and I decided to paint our deck and I am more than thankful that chore is over. To say we got HOT is putting it mildly! I tried to get the “big man” to wait until fall, but he wanted it done NOW so it’s now done…give us a big YEAH, please. The next project will be to do something with the plot of ground where the hot tub USE TO BE and get it looking nice. That will complete the backyard…for now. Sometime this fall, I want to hire someone to paint all our ceilings, the living room, and the guest bedroom and then that will complete the inside…for now. There is always something to do, repair, or replace in this old house! I still love our home so it’s all worth it…I can say that today since I’m no longer sweating bullets! I’m also thankful we’re able to do what we do, or pay to have the things done that we don’t want to do. We truly are blessed!!!
We were pleased to have Tyler and Melissa here on Tuesday night for a sleep over. Tyler was in a “By Invitation Only” baseball showcase on Tuesday and again on Wednesday at UK…Byron, Madi, and Kyle came over on Wednesday morning to watch the games. It was good being with all of them and watching Tyler play ball…even though they weren’t real games. He loves the sport and wants to get better so he continues to work hard. Thankfully, it wasn’t a blistering hot/humid day and his two games were back-to-back so he was done by 1:30 p.m. +/-…and the rain began around the same time.
Today we’ll be going to a Wilmore Business Association picnic and, of course, it’s currently raining. We haven’t been to one of their meeting in ages, but since we pay our dues, we go to the fun stuff. It is nice to get to know some of the other business owners in our little town and hob-nob with them. What to take is my big concern for now?
We’ve got company coming for dinner tomorrow night and we’re looking forward to that. It was requested I fix a “breakfast type” meal so that will be an easy one…biscuits/gravy, eggs, sausage, hash brown potatoes, and fruit. One of the guest was suppose to come here for dinner earlier in the week, but we had to cancel out. Since he was having a couple in for dinner on Friday, he ask if we could combine and suggested this type of meal. Should be fun…and interesting.
Guess I’d better get busy on the “blue house” since we have guest coming in tomorrow. August is completely booked…except for 3 scattered days…and we are getting bookings for 2016 already. Seems we are doing something right as far as this is concerned and, thankfully, we still enjoy doing it. We’ve met some really good people and, so far, everyone has taken good care of the place while there.
Have a “cool” day and know you are loved by me.