This week is absolutely flying by and I can’t figure out why. We haven’t done much more than our usual stuff and we can’t explain what’s going on. Could it possibly be that we’re OLD and life is going by ever so fast? I am looking forward to being in Abilene next week…with mixed emotions I might add…and spending some time with my sister and brothers. Going through all the treasures the folks valued might…NO WILL…tug at the heart strings, but it has to all get taken care of and closure has to take place. I cry just thinking about it, so I can only imagine what a blubbering mess I’ll be while doing this. The Lord will give me strength and I know I can do it!!
School will be starting next week and the grandkids in both Louisville and here in Wilmore are both dreading it and looking forward to getting back in the grove. Kyle will be a senior, Jerod will be a junior, Meredith will be a sophomore, Tyler is a freshman, Madi is in the 8th grade, Blake is in the 8th, Grayson will be in the 7th, and the twins will be in preschool. It doesn’t seem possible they are all growing up so fast. Of course, Chase, Chance, Sean, Branden, Lacey, and Ryan are all out of school and living life as an adult…not always fun, or productive, but it’s life regardless.
We have our first grandson getting married this November and we’re excited about that. Chance is the lucky man to have found Emily and they will be sharing their lives together forever. We’re all looking forward to that great occasion!
Once again we are able to open the windows and air out the house with this cool morning. This has been the most unusual summer in quite some time. We keep jumping from hazy/hot/humid days to clear/cool/low humidity days. Our creator is keeping us guessing as to what to expect next. Maybe winter will do the same…cold a day, or so, then warm for several days. I have my doubts but a girl can dream!
We have some seminary friends that have moved back to Wilmore this week so, I’m cooking them dinner tonight…moving is never fun and a home cooked meal is always good in the midst of craziness. This is a sweet family of five and he’s trying to finish up his doctorate degree while working with the Salvation Army organization. He had hoped he could finish it up in GA, but he couldn’t…for whatever reason…so they moved back and they will be here for at lease four years. Thankfully, we’ve been invited out to dinner tonight so that was perfect timing. I had already told George we would most likely eat out since I didn’t want to cook two meals but Craig and Deb saved the day! Another sweet couple that live in Alabama but have family here in Wilmore…they are currently guest at our “blue house”.
Time to get up and get to the salon to have my hair trimmed. Enjoy your day and know you are always loved by me.