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All is well….

George had cataract surgery on his right eye today and it went very well.  He has had no pain, etc., so far, and he goes back to see the doctor in the morning for his follow up check up.  His biggest restriction will be having to stay away from his wood turning jobs…that he loves doing most every day…for at least six weeks.  Currently, he has a patch on his eye and he may only have to sleep in it for the next week, or so, but we’ll get more details on that in the morning.  He will eventually have the left eye done but not sure right now just when that will be.  It’s a very quick procedure and recovery time is very short.  

The weather currently has been just spectacular!  Fall is definitely in the air, the trees are beginning to turn, and the squirrels are working overtime storing all those nuts.  They worked hard stock piling the nuts last year and our winter was fierce, so I’m thinking they may be warning us that this year will be another doozie.  Glad we’ll be in Florida for the two months!!!

We are doing well, over all, and have nothing to write about so guess I’ll get busy doing something else.  Thanks for those that have thought of, prayed for, and showed concern over George.  He’s still my hero and I am so thankful for the life we’ve had together.  Love to you all.


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