We begin this month by celebrating the life of our baby girl, Tanya Crockett, and we have been so blessed to have her as a part of our family. Tanya was born just 42 years ago in Abilene and was in a big hurry to get here…my labor was exactly one hour! She is brilliant, loves her family deeply, a dedicated RN-PNP, loves to exercise, and devoted to the Lord. Happy, happy birthday and may you continue to be blessed with good health and happiness. Love you and so proud of the lady you are today.
This week has had some very scary aspects, also. Two of our grandsons go to the Fern Creek High School that had the shooting on Tuesday. One of the boys was actually on the floor not far from the shooter when it all happened. You watch the kids leaving the school, with hands on their heads, and you can’t process that that is some of your loved ones. Thankfully, the boy that was shot will be OK, but the shooter has changed his life forever. Let’s all pray for the youth of our nation and that these kind of days will never happen again.
We are being told that our summer weather is coming to an end after today and that’s sad. We have been having some beautiful fall days and all the trees are changing color so fast…George is sure getting to enjoy his lawn vacuum with all the leaves coming down so quickly. It’s going into the upper 80’s today and by this weekend it will only be in the 50’s. YIKES!!! We should have some more warmer days so I’m not packing my stuff for Florida just yet…but it won’t be long.
George has done very well with the eye surgery, loves not needing glasses anymore, and is scheduled to have the left eye done on November 20th. It’s truly amazing what can be medically done now and the improvement it makes in a person’s life.
Guess I’ll get busy by doing some final touches at the blue house before our guest arrive at noon. Again…happy birthday, to Tanya, pray for the children of America to find peace within and no longer be bodies of anger, and enjoy these final days of summer. Love to you all.