Yesterday our son-in-law, Byron, celebrated his birthday and I failed to post it on here…not that they see this. I do want him to know that he was thought about and wished a happy birthday from Wilmore. Byron is Melissa’s husband and the father to four of our very famous grandchildren. He works hard at UPS, loves to hunt and fish, and sports. Even though this is ONE DAY LATE…hope you had a very happy birthday and we pray you will be blessed with many more.
We are having a beautiful weekend and loving having some sunshine for now. It seems as though October has just flown by and winter is inching our way ever so fast. All the trick and treaters will be out this coming weekend and that’s always a fun time here. The town people meet downtown and that’s where the kids get their candy…much safer than going door to door. Games are offered, with prizes by the university students, prizes given for the best costumes, and treats by the shop owners and anyone wanting to give to the kids. A great community gathering and fun time for the kids. This year it’s suppose to be cold, last year it was postponed for one day due to heavy rain, but it will happen eventually.
Got to get ready for worship. Again, happy belated birthday Byron. Enjoy this new week! Love to all.