This week has just flown by and there’s no apparent reason as to why. The honeymooners are still basking in the warmth of the Hawaiian sunshine but will soon get back to reality when they get back to KY. in the next few days. It is currently bitter cold here…16 degrees when we got up but it’s a balmy 19 now. Fall was pretty short lived and, by all appearance, winter will be LONG and very cold. Oh well, we’ll be enjoying Florida in just six weeks and I can’t wait to get back to warmer days.
Thanksgiving is almost here and I am getting so excited to see our boys since we don’t see them often enough. We currently have 23 coming for dinner but that number may increase by a couple if Sean decides to come. We know the day will be hectic but there’s nothing like family so we will love every minute of it.
Our last Thanksgiving was spent with my parents and it was a very sad time. Mother had fallen…had not told anyone…but we all knew she was in pain and not feeling well so, all plans of going to the best buffet in Abilene were cancelled. We later learned of her fall and we were told she had broken her back. It’s amazing she was able to do as well as she did with the pain she was having. I will always cherish the many GOOD Thanksgivings we had together, but this one will always be a part of this season and I will grieve over it. We do plan to make more GOOD memories this year, and with that many people in this small house, we have a good chance of doing so. Good, or not so good, memories will be made!
We’re going to Elizabethtown, KY. tomorrow with our Life Group to worship, and visit, with a family that use to be in this group. When they first came to Wilmore to attend the seminary they were our neighbors. This should be a fun time and we’re looking forward to hearing David preach, then enjoying lunch with them so we can visit and catch up on what’s going on with them and their children.
Guess that’s about it for now. Stay warm and enjoy the weekend. Love to you all.