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Ok…I miss typed….

Ok…I admit it.  I missed typed the age of our first born in yesterdays post.  He was not 51 as I had typed, but a big 52.  Regardless, it was his special day, he’s still our first born, and I love him dearly.

We also learned yesterday that Blake had gotten hurt in basketball practice on Tuesday night, had to be taken to an after hour clinic for x’rays, but they needed a specialist to read the films for an accurate diagnosis.  Then on Wednesday morning, he got the confirmation that he had indeed broken a bone in his left ankle.  He is currently in a boot, on crutches, and no basketball for four weeks….bummer as he’s one of their star players.  The joys of sports…and teenagers!

Then we topped off our day yesterday to learn that our server for our blogs had unplugged us due to some unhealthy files they had found.  You think they really read this stuff?  George spent quite a bit of time with them today and we are once again up and running and have been cleaned out.  Why anyone would want to do things like that is beyond me.  They must have LOTS of free time and live very boring lives.  

The only really exciting thing we did today was a little Christmas shopping.  We still have more to do, but we really don’t do a lot and for that I am thankful.  Everyone is so hard to buy for…they have all they need and we can’t afford what they want.

Oh well, on that cherry note, I’m getting off here.  We finally had some sunshine today and it was wonderful…first time in over a week.  Have a great weekend and we’ll do our best to do the same.  Love to all reading this…even the ones that put that unhealthy stuff in here.


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