We had a beautiful travel day today and made it home safely around 8 p.m. We really enjoyed our time with Clark, Vanessa, and Lacey and they all seem to be doing well. Vanessa has a lot of health issues but she seemed to do well while we were there…she probably crashed today since we did a lot of walking on Tuesday and Wednesday…Lacey had to work both days we were there so we didn’t see much of her. She’s really looking forward to graduation from high school in December. She plans to start EMT school in January and hopes to move back to Louisville once she graduates from there and passes all requirements. Clark is doing well and just glad to have a week of no school or work!Â
On Tuesday we went to Nauvoo (Hebrew word meaning “Beautiful place”…the Meca for the Mormons…and it was a beautiful place. This is the area where all the Mormons moved to avoid persecution back in the 1800’s and at one time it was the second largest city in Iowa. The temple they built is georgeous…of course we were not allowed in since we’re not Mormons…Vanessa and I did manage to peek in, however. All the people associated with the place were so nice and very interested in what we believed…guess so they could tell us what they believed.
On Wednesday we just hung around the house until lunch time. We went into town and ate at a small cafe…good chicken salad…and then we brought the guys back home so Vanessa and I could go Antique shopping. I got a couple of things for the house…couple of great smelling candles, a candle stand, and a decorative wall rack that I’m not sure just where I’ll hang it. Vanessa found stuff for her kitchen walls…nothing very expensive but lots of fun finding them so we both got back to the house happy but exhausted. She fixed a delicious roast beef dinner that night so it was a perfect day…family, fun shopping, and good food.
We left there early this morning but we did spend a couple of house in Louisville as we came through. Margaret Jenkins was admitted to one of the hospitals on Tuesday with pneumonia and we wanted to go see her. While there she told us of another friend from Okolona that was in there on her floor having his second round of chemo. So, we went down the hall and visited with Don Stack and his wife Sue for a little while. We left there to go to another hospital to see Roy Turner…our former next door neighbor and friend for 40 years…that had a “small” stroke on either Monday night or Tuesday. We got there around 5:30 and were told he had been dismissed at 5 p.m. I guess he’s doing OK but he’ll have to follow doctor’s orders if he hopes to fully recover. Dieting and exercise are not some of his favorite things to do…not mine either…but he’ll try hard to do what’s needed, I’m sure.
Well, that’s the highlight of the last couple of days. We did have a great time and just wish we could see Clark, Vanessa, and Lacey more often…it’s a 9 hour drive from our house to their house…and we do have fun when we’re together.
Enjoy the rest of the week.