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Still rather COOL in sunny (?) Florida…

Our days in Florida are going by so fast and we’ve only gotten to the beach TWICE.  The first time was to watch the sunset which wasn’t very impressive, and our second visit to the beach was this past Tuesday.  That time it was FANTASTIC!  The sun was bright, the people were interesting…someone needs to tell some of the women there that they are NOT bikini material.  WOW the sights at the beach!!!…and it was in the low 80’s.  A near perfect day, for sure. Most of our days here have been cloudy, on the cooler side, and/or with rain.  Regardless, anything we’re blessed with here is so much better than what most of America is receiving, so I will not complain.  I am looking for a lot more beach time, however.

We went to dinner with friends last night and to see the movie “Unbroken”, and that was a fun time.  The movie was good and it still amazes me that one could live through that and have any mind left but he did.  It took him a long time to recover, which he did…along with some others that were in the same camp.  No one else was as mistreated as he was and that makes it all the more amazing at his recovery.  He was a man of faith and that was what got him well.  Thank goodness!

Tonight we’re going to dinner with friends from Wilmore that are in North Port…not far from here…and then to a gospel singing event.  This, too, will be fun as we enjoy being with them…they are also in our life group at home…and meeting some of their Florida friends.

George still fishes every day off our dock and he caught a really nice Snook the other day.  I haven’t fished every day, but I haven’t missed many, so we continue to enjoy that.  Here’s George and his Snook…


Snook are fun to catch but they have to be bigger than either of the ones we’ve caught and only when in season can you keep them.  I think the season is coming up but they have to be quite big in order to keep them and ours are not even close.

Guess I’d better get to my daily walk…George should be about finished with his…and then see what the afternoon brings…until time to meet Bob and Kathy.  Have a good weekend, stay warm, and love to you all.



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