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I have found these Olympic games very interesting.  The dedication, energy, and expense these athletes have endured for so many years is just plain mind boggling.  Just practicing my piano for thirty minutes a day was grueling enough for me…they spend hours doing what they do.  Guess that’s why they are where they are and I’m where I am…sitting in front of the TV watching them perform.  I really prefer my life to there’s…a lot less energy has to be exerted each day!

Today has been another beautiful day.  We’re enjoying unusually cool weather along with low humidity so the AC has been off ever since we’ve been home from Iowa…lower utility bills is always a plus!  We’ll have more HOT days before long, but these days are very similar to the beginning of fall and it’s wonderful.

The Gabehart kids finished their first day back to school and I guess it went well for each of them…not real sure about a couple of them but we’ll see if tomorrow proves to be better.  The Crockett’s start back tomorrow and I’m sure they will have tales to share tomorrow afternoon.  They had their open house yesterday evening so they know who will be their teachers, found some of the kids in their classes, and all the supplies have been purchased…which is no small dollar amount with all the fees, etc.

I’ve got nothing more to share so guess I’ll get back to my Olympics!  Enjoy the evening.
