Yesterday we had a record breaking snow fall that had started the night before. Lexington recorded 17 inches and I, do believe, we got even more. The bed of George’s truck was way over the top with snow and I just knew I had no business getting out in it so I stayed inside! Just a little south of here they got over 24 inches of snow! We were extremely blessed that the Crockett crew shoveled the walks and drive at the “blue house” and our house…which took them several hours! Thank you, thank you!!!
Today we celebrate Chance’s birthday…Carter’s second son. Chance is a charming guy with lots of personality, a lovely wife, a good job, and a pleasure to be around…what little we see of him. May your special day be a good one and you will feel loved and valued. Happy, happy birthday, Chance!
I have heard that ever since we’ve left Florida it has been spectacular down there. The two months we were there, it was cool a lot of day…we wore sweatshirts a lot…and even colder once the sun set. Now it’s in the 80’s everyday with beautiful sunsets most nights. Maybe we should have stayed longer? Oh well, it is good to be home and two months is really long enough; but, to come home to this snow, below freezing temperatures, etc. is just crazy! Come on spring I know you are really ready to bust out! Even some spring flowers are breaking ground…under all that snow!
That’s about it for now. Have a good day, stay warm, and pray this will be the last really wintery weather for a very long time…as in forever! Love to all and, again, Happy Birthday, Chance.