TODAY we got to enjoy spring, but it will be gone again in just a day or so. We actually got into the 70’s with a full day of sunshine. George and I cleaned out the flower beds, trimmed the rose bushes…5 of them…used the lawn vacuum to get all the leaves and mess off the lawn, carted all that to the place we take yard waste around here, and George put down some seed/weed stuff so we’ll have another beautiful lawn this year. We are the envy of our neighbors!!! Not bragging but just stating a fact.
We, also, received some sad news today. Our good friend, Dr. Ira Gallaway, went to be with the Lord early this morning. George went to see him yesterday but he was asleep and George wasn’t able to wake him up. He was resting comfortably and that was a blessing because often he would be fretting. He was a good man and had lots of great stories about the adventures in his life…from the pope to different U.S. presidents. He’ll be missed…especially by George. We were blessed to have him in our lives these past five, or so, years and loved knowing he loved us. Rest, Dr. Gallaway, with Jesus and your sweet Sally.
We continue to stay busy with the “blue house” responsibilities…and just life in general…and for that we are thankful. We have a guy in our life group that is suffering with lung cancer that has now gone to his brain so George is sitting with him most of tomorrow. He, and his wife, are a part of our life group and we would ask that you pray for them…Jim and Cindy. He has gone from a functioning man to one that can’t think straight in just a few weeks. So very sad!
Today we, also, got to visit with Jessi Black Walker and her new son, Crawford James Walker…along with Mark and Margo, the proud grandparents. He’s a beautiful baby and there is nothing sweeter that the sounds and the soft skin of a newborn. He’s also the first grandson, but second grand child, of Mark and Margo Black. The blessings of life is just amazing!
Guess that’s about it for now. Let’s all keep thinking “spingy” thoughts and just maybe it will come back and STAY! I love warm weather and seeing the plant life coming back to life. Again…just amazing after the LONG and brutal winter we had. Our day ended with a breath taking sunset that was better than any we saw while at the beach. Thank you, Lord, for showing us more of your handy work today!
Enjoy you week and know I love you all.