OK here goes for a real “Grandma/Mom” blog posting.
The month of July is just flying by and we have finally gotten some real summer weather. The last couple of days have been quite hot and the humidity has been almost unbearable at times…still better than snow! Thank goodness for umbrellas, or a shady area, while we’re at the many ballgames this weekend.
Jerod comes home from the governors scholar deal next weekend and he’s more than ready. Five weeks is a long time along with missing your birthday with your family. It’s definitely getting him ready to go away to college next year but he’ll still miss his mama’s good cooking and all the comforts of his home.
Blake, Tyler, and Grayson continue to play baseball and they all still love it. Grayson was at a baseball camp last week at UK and he was voted the “camper of the week” along with some other award…I can’t remember what it was called…and he works hard at trying to be the best ball player around…and he is good! The different travel teams keep Blake and Tyler busy along with their parents and I’m thankful we are only “watchers” and don’t have to attend all games that are way far away. We do go to as many as we can but some are just not on our radar!
Madi has decided she wants to run cross country this next year and is starting her training for that. Meredith also run cross country and it’s to bad they don’t have the means to train together. Meredith loves it and I hope Madi will too. Meredith had a great trip to the Rocky mountains with the youth group from church and they hikes 53.1 miles that week! It was a spiritual event and the beauty of God’s creation was very evident. Such a beautiful part of our country.
From what little we know, Ryan and Courtney are doing well and baby Jesse is a good baby and growing appropriately. Still a sad situation but I am thankful the baby is doing well.
Lacey has been able to get back to work after the back injury she received some time back. Lifting a 300 lb. person is really hard on a “BIG” person and she’s a “LITTLE” person but trained in how to do it. Chase is still progressing through his training and loving it from what we hear. As for Chance, Sean, and Branden…guess they are each doing well as we haven’t heard differently.
Carter and Lori had a great time in Bermuda and found it to be beautiful as we told them it would be. So glad they get to travel as much as they do! Clark and Vanessa will be here next week for a few days and we’re really excited about that. Been a long time since we’ve seen them. Then Scott, Allison, Turner, and Neyland will be here on August 4th and that will be a fun few days with them. After that…the twins will be starting kindergarten! They are so excited about that and it’s hard to think of them being ready for regular school already. Again…time is sure flying by!!!
Well, almost time to head to Eastern KY University to watch Tyler play…Blake’s was cancelled this morning due to the wet field since it rained last night. Have a great weekend, stay cool, and love to all.