October has several family birthdays and we’ll begin by saying…”Happy Birthday, Tanya”. Tanya is our youngest and we are so thankful we were surprised to know she would be joining our family. Tanya is an excellent pediatric nurse practioner, mother to four of our above average grandkids, wife to Daniel, friend to many, Christian, sister, and daughter. Her life is one of accomplishments and an encouragement to all that know, and love, her. Happy birthday and may you be blessed with many more, all your future dreams come true, and never doubt the love we have for you.
Fall has definitely arrived and I’m now hearing people complain about how cold it is…in the 50’s, no less. Just a few weeks ago they were complaining about how hot it was and they were ready for a change. Ya think some people just like to complain? Never satisfied? Oh well, the changing seasons are good and each one has its own beauty…even though I have to look really hard when it come to winter.
Both of my eyes are successfully free of cataracts and I no longer need the use of glasses, or contacts. I pray they, especially my left reading eye, continue to improve as complete healing takes place. The second surgery was so different than the first so I guess my meds either kicked in more with the right eye, or the left eye had to wait longer between the MANY drops they put in. Never had any pain but I saw and heard a whole lot more the second time around.
Got to go clean the ‘blue house’ so have a great day. Love to you all.