Our time here in the mountains is rapidly coming to an end. George and Ron have gone fishing this morning and they’re hoping to catch a lot of trout…a catch and release event…while Jean and I just hang around our cabin. We have gone looking for bears on several occasions but to no avail. We even went where they have posted signs about them being there and still nothing. Ron is really wanting to see at least one but he may just have to go to the zoo somewhere. We’ll give it another shot later today and hopefully be successful.
Yesterday we enjoyed a great pancake breakfast at the Pancake Pantry in downtown Gatlinburg. After that we went on the motor trail…not really wanting to hike since we did the 6+ miles the day before…and that was enjoyable. After that we went over to the artist loop and looked at some of the artist works…didn’t buy any since we’re still in the downsizing mode…and saw some really pretty pottery and paintings, We finished that event by late afternoon so we went back on the motor trail where we were assured we’d see bears feeding, etc. Again NO bears! It was fun looking and Ron could never tell me just what he was going to do when he found one, but we will continue our quest! We did see a couple of bucks while on the hike on Tuesday and I think that’s my first time to come upon bucks. We’ve seen lots of doe’s but never any bucks. We also saw several wild turkeys, deer, and other domestic animals. There’s suppose to be a lot of wild hogs in Cage Cove but we didn’t see any yet…saw them on our last time in Cage Cove and they are UGLY!
We’re suppose to climb up to Clingman’s Dome this afternoon and hope this overcast sky will clear up so we’ll see something. At least it won’t be snowing/icing like it was the time we went with all our kids and grandkids…happy, funny memories there! The mountains are beautiful, the streams are low, but God is certainly evident every where we look. We listen to all the many sounds…even the quiet stillness…that are out there and God’s presence is there.
We are saddened to have learned that Don Stack…a long time friend in Louisville…has died since we got here.  We saw him in the hospital when we were coming home from Iowa several weeks ago and he was so upbeat and encouraged by the results of his first round of chemo. The second proved to give limited hope of beating his cancer and the radiation proved to be unsuccessful. He only lived weeks from the diagnosis to the end. May God continue to comfort his sweet family and we know he’s at peace and free of pain with our Lord and Savior.
The sun is now out so here’s hoping Clingman’s Dome will be clear. Enjoy your day and we’re going bear hunting once again!