Certainly haven’t gotten to enjoy much “beach time” so far but we did manage to go yesterday for a few hours. It was an absolutely beautiful day…77 degrees and very little breeze! The temperatures, so far, have been on the cool side most days, have had several periods of very heavy rain, and some days of just plain gloom! The few times we’ve managed to get to the beach, we didn’t stay long as it was either to cold, or extremely windy…no fun to have to wear a jacket while trying to get some sun. No matter how gloomy it might get here, I’m thankful to be here when I see what the weather is like at home…going from bitter cold to not-so-bad all in the same week…one the same day some days.
Last night we had the storm of all storms! In fact, Siesta Keys…the area we were in last year…had a tornado and quite a bit of damage was done. Our current area had extremely…and I mean extremely…heavy rain, lightening, and strong winds but no tornadoes that have been announced. It’s currently 72 degrees but the temperatures will be dropping all day and a high of only 60 tomorrow. Sunny Florida isn’t co-operating this year as it keeps taking the sun back. Oh well, like I say, better than what’s at home.
George continues to do well and we are walking a couple of miles each day…even the rainy, gloomy days we walk in a mall. He hasn’t gotten to fish but a couple of times…which is disappointing…but he’s hoping that’ll improve this new week. We went to a Dixie Jazz concert one evening…this past Tuesday…and that was very good. Lots of talent among those six professional people. We also went out to eat with Ron and Jean on Friday evening, then to their condo to played cards for awhile…we always enjoy being with them. We can tell you a movie NOT to see and that’s “Sisters”. I was horrible!!! Oh well, maybe our next movie will be better. It’s no wonder we seldom go to a movie…they are usually not worth seeing!!!
Guess that about wraps up our third week and each day seems to just be flying by. Thankfully we are seldom bored…if ever…and we’re still glad we’re able to be here. Linda and Jim will be coming in for a couple of days this Saturday and we feel sure there will be some beach time, along with fishing time, during their time here. Jim is celebrating another birthday today, and we are wishing him a very happy day with all the family. Happy, happy birthday to you! Have a good week and we love you all.