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Spring may…that’s a big MAY…be coming to stay….

Last week was spring break for both sets of grandkids and what a miserable week it was…weather wise.  Fortunately for the Crockett’s, they spent the week in Florida and got to enjoy lots of sunshine, fishing, sight seeing the different aspects of nature there, and spent a lot of time fighting off the “NO-C-EM” bugs.  They really loved Jerod!  The Gabehart two did different things…Tyler was, also, in Florida with his high school baseball team training…due to a bad shoulder he can’t throw at all this year, but can bat, run, etc.  Madi went to Chicago with her friend’s family for a few days and, also, had a special day with mom…along with a couple others…for a girls day to celebrate her 15th birthday.  We stayed home all week so we could complain to them how terrible it was here…and it was.  We had some really cold days with freezing temperatures, LOTS of wind, and almost no sunshine for the entire week.  Oh well, we all survived and we’re thankful for it.

We were absolutely thrilled to learn that ALL the cancer was removed from my sister and she’ll need no more surgery.  She’ll do radiation and we’re all looking forward to the day she’s told she’s cancer free!!!  Thank you, Lord!  Now tomorrow we’ll be praying hard for Linda Lou’s surgery to be successful and healing will be complete and quick.  Buddy is doing better but still not back to being 100%.  Lorin, my brother, continues to do as his doctor has instructed…amazing…and he, too, is doing well with his heart issues.  George is doing good and has NO heart issues and he was very glad to mail off that heart monitor he wore for a month.

Melissa and Byron’s fish fry on this past Saturday was a big success.  As mentioned earlier, the weather was cold so the 43 people in attendance spent most of the time inside of the house…these were all Byron’s family + George and I. It was crowded but no issues, or complaints, about being crowded ever surfaced.  There was LOTS of side dishes and desserts and many trays of fish caught by Byron, Madi, and I think some of the boys.  Fun, fun time and lots of good memories were made.  Now Byron has room to go fishing again and restock the freezer.

Vanessa is in Texas helping her dad take care of her mom.  They have some tough decisions to make and not one of them will be easy.  Alzheimer’s disease is a terrible disease and affects the entire family.  Please pray for them!

Guess that’s all the family news I have for now.  Thankful to see the sunshine…even though when I walked a little bit ago, it was sprinkling off/on…and I’m so ready to get some pretty flowers growing in the flower beds.  Derby day is coming soon, so it won’t be long!…in KY you don’t plant spring flowers or tomatoes until then…and I’ll be ready!  Have a great week and do something for fun, for someone unexpectedly, and for yourself.  Love to you all.


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