I am so blessed with the five fantastic people I birthed, along with the five great in-law people, the 15 absolutely adorable grandkids…along with the in-law grandkids…plus the bonus of a great-grandson, that made my Mother’s Day wonderful. Thanks to each and everyone of them for their love, cards, gifts, and attention given to me. I do love my family!!!!
There’s not a lot to chat about but we are thankful we are both doing well for the most part. George is still having trouble with that cranky knee but other than that he’s doing well. He’s been working a lot out in his shop and has made some really pretty things. Whatever are we going to do with all his pretties? I keep myself busy crocheting…when I’m not doing Suzie Homemaker stuff…and I do have a plan for the things I’m making. Sure hope I live long enough to get it all done.
We continue to pray for Buddy, my sister Linda, and for Linda Lou to all be completely well once more and back to doing all the “FUN” stuff they like to do. Clark and Vanessa have had their hands full for awhile and that will be getting more so, I believe. Her dad has had some health issues and was in the hospital for a few days this past week…her mom who is currently living with them, continues to digress with Alzheimer’s disease. This is such a sad, sad disease. They…Clark, Vanessa, and her mom…will be going to Texas next week to help her dad get the house ready to put on the market. I sure don’t envy them in doing that ’cause it’s really hard, and emotional, to get rid of a lifetime of treasures aka junk. Dwayne and Smitty will be moving in with Clark and Vanessa once everything falls into place. Tough, tough times headed their way for all of them.
Jerod is getting ready to graduate in just a couple of weeks and that will be a fun time…all the other kids are looking forward to being out of school for the summer and sleeping in. Tyler’s shoulder is healing up nicely and he’ll soon get to start throwing the baseball again and he can’t wait for that to happen. Prom is Saturday night for Meredith and Jerod and that should be fun. Meredith has a very pretty dress again this year. Kyle is about to finish up his first year of college and he did very well…first year is the hardest! Lacey is still surviving the police academy. Chase will soon be deployed, which is scary, but he’s well trained to handle it. The twins are doing well at flag football…that is, unless they get a “red card” in school and then they have to sit on the bench and watch. Their coach is their dad and he has this crazy rule about behaving in school…the guy that always got poor conduct grades in school because he was so socially minded!
Guess I’d better get out and get my walk in before time to start thinking about “what’s for dinner?”. Have a great week and aren’t we all glad spring finally arrived?…even with all this rain that we’ll be praying for during July and August. Love to you all.