I talked to my sister today and she was having a good birthday with lots more stuff on her plate to make the celebration last for several days. Today we not only celebrate her birthday, but we celebrate her completion of her radiation! Now that get’s a really BIG Yeah!!! As to be expected, healing will take several more weeks but the fact she’ll have no more is so heart warming. Back to the birthday celebrations….Jim was taking her to lunch at the restaurant of her choice…a new burger place…, Michael and his family will be there tomorrow evening for the weekend, Amy and Danna are planning an afternoon tea for Linda with several of her closest friends on Friday afternoon, and on Saturday they will all go eat at Linda’s favorite Italian restaurant. What really makes this a special birthday is that it’s shared with Sadie who’s turning 13 today…also Linda is starting a new decade and it’s a BIG one.
Summer continues to blast us with heat and humidity but we have managed to get a few showers the last few days so the grass is still green and the flowers are still blooming. It has cooled off a few degrees the last few days so walking has been a little easier…not feeling like I’ll have a heat stroke as I make my rounds. Another reason to be thankful for this heat…the okra is growing and producing quite well! I’m not growing it but I do get some at the Saturday morning farmers market here in Wilmore….can’t do that in the winter!
Friday morning is Lacey’s graduation from the police academy and we’re looking forward to that…it’s in Louisville and starts at 9 a.m so we’ll be on the road early. She’s worked really hard, and it’s a very difficult program, but she survived and now the streets of Louisville will be made a little safer…and we will pray for her safety as she’s going through her days trying to help others. Congratulations to Lacey!
The Gabehart’s had a great vacation and really enjoyed their time on the beaches of southern Alabama. Pal, their dog, survived his vacation with us and fared a lot better than he did the last time we kept him. During his previous visit with us, 3 flees got on him…he’s very allergic to flees…so he lost a lot of his hair do to his constant scratching and licking, he then enjoyed a trip to a groomer to shave off what little hair he had left and a flee bath, and finally a trip to the vet so he could wear a cone for the remainder of his visit, and he still looked like he had been to war for the whole week while here. I prayed daily he wouldn’t die ’cause what grandkid wants to think their Mimi killed their dog? I’m way to old to have that much excitement so, thankfully, we all did much better this time.
Have a great rest-of-the-week and be watching out for all the kids as they are starting back to school. Summer went by fast and fall is just around the corner. Again…HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DITA DO POTTON!…not sure this is spelled correctly but she’ll know what it says. May you be blessed with many more, Linda, and I’m so blessed to have you as my baby sister. Love to all reading this.