How can so many days, if not weeks, fly by and I’ve ignored posting? Most days there’s little to write about but our lives are really not completely boring…honestly! Jerod got off to college yesterday and he’s more than ready to get this new adventure going. He, and all his family, drove to Nashville yesterday to get him settled into his dorm room, say good-bye with tears flowing, I”m sure, and then head back to Wilmore. I don’t know what time they got home but I know it was late and we still have Sugar, their dog, visiting with us.
Once our guest at the “blue house” leave today, or possible tomorrow do to car troubles, we will have a little over a week of no one there. That’s the longest period of no one there since back in March…been a very busy summer, thankfully. We have had periods of a few vacant days but not a whole week so the rush is over for this year. Just hit ‘n miss from now until 2017.
Summer continues to reign here and things are beginning to show their displeasure of so much sunshine and heat. Many places all around us are getting rain…even an abundance of rain…but most of it has managed to miss Wilmore. Too bad California couldn’t have gotten some of that rain that Louisiana received to help put out all their fires. Bless the people that were flooded and the mess that goes with the clean up…especially the families that loss loved ones. Mother Nature is a powerful force and continues to show us all that God is in control and not man!
Have a great week and do something fun and worth while. Love to you all.