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Time just flies by….

How can so many days go by with nothing of importance happening?  August is just zooming by and it’ll be fall in no time.  All the kids are back in school and adapting to having a schedule, and lots of homework, each day.  The college boys are feeling good about all their classes but they have both said the food is not the best…goes with having a mother that’s a good, and healthy, cook at home.  All five of the high schoolers are saying school is “OK”…but that’s what they are suppose to say…and the twins are loving first grade.  Lacey is loving her new career and has had quite a few “exciting” events in the last couple of weeks…crime is a real issue in the area of Louisville she’s assigned…but she’s loving it and doing a good job.  All the others are doing well and living life the best they know how.

George’s truck is really, really sick and may need a new engine in order to survive…not sure it’d be worth the cost.  We’ll also be buying another vehicle since the lease on the Fusion is up in one month and I dislike having to buy such expensive, but necessary, items all at the same time.  Oh well, it’s just money and we can’t take it with us when we die!

We’ve had some absolutely beautiful last couple of days…no AC was needed and that’s always a big YEAH for me…but the heat and humidity is returning today…boo/hiss on the humidity!  It won’t be long until fall will arrive and we’ll enjoy a new season that’s usually very pleasant around here.  Life continues to be good for us and for that we are most thankful.

Tanya will be in Nashville this next week as she will begin working on her doctorate of nursing degree.  She will be doing most of it from here…on line and on a part-time basis…from Vanderbilt.  She’ll, also, continue working during this time so she will be one busy lady.  She loves to learn, is good at it, and will do well with this new doctorate degree program I feel sure.  Good luck to her and the family.

Clark and Scott are both about finished with their remodels on their homes and are both very ready for that to all be over with…nothing like in-house construction going on for months while you try to maintain some sort of life as a family.  Both homes were pretty before but will both be beautiful now!

Guess that’s about it for now.  Have a great rest-of-the-week.  Love to you all!


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