How can it be that two weeks have flown by since I’ve posted on here. The sad thing is, that not a whole lot has happen in those two weeks interesting enough to write about. One of the better things was…Carter and Lori came to town and we were thrilled to get to share them with Chance and Emily…the “blue house” picked up several more reservations so we will now be busy through the end of November…and today we’re getting a LITTLE rain. Oh how we need any, and all, rain!
Linda and Jim are in China on their 50th honeymoon trip and I know they will be having a great time as they love to travel. They are on a tour and should see some really good stuff. Happy, happy 50th anniversary to them!
We will be going to see Scott, Allison, Turner, and Neyland this next week and we are very excited about that. It’s been far to long since we’ve seen them and the boys are growing up far to fast.
Tyler, along with great-nephew Zane, got their drivers license this week and I’m sure both are excited to have more freedom and the thrill of driving in all the traffic of Louisville or Nashville. Praying both will be safe and remain accident free! I still have flash backs…some are funnier than others…of when our kids first started driving and we all survived, so their parents will too.
Most of my summer flowers are looking very tired and I will be removing them and putting in some mums very soon. It seems impossible that it’s almost fall…but we will welcome a relief from the summer humidity we had ALL summer…and looking forward to turning off the AC and having lower utility bills. It’s the little things that count when you get my age!!!
Guess I’d better get my walk in while the rain has stopped. Have a great weekend and enjoy some of the football games on TV! Love to you all.