Yesterday was a day to remember, and reflect, on all the many blessings we enjoy every day. Our Thanksgiving meal was spectacular and we have enough leftovers to do it all over again today. The guest included Lawrence, Linda, Buddy, Linda, Jim, Chase, Tara, Butch, Jean…Lori’s parents…Scott, Allison, Turner, Neyland, George, Myself, Lori, and Carter. With everything absolutely perfect inside the house, the Lord made everything perfect outside of the house…lots of sunshine, mild temperatures, and room for the boys to play. Thank you Carter and Lori for hosting the time we could all be together and for having us all feel welcome in your home.
We’ll be headed back to Wilmore at some point today and I will again be very thankful for today and the fact that I am NOT out shopping with all those crazy “black Friday” shoppers. I know there will be lots of good bargains, but I just can’t get myself geared up to join the fun.
On December 3rd. Allison will be running once more in a mini-marathon and I wish her well and that it will be a good day to race…no rain and temperatures in the 40’s. St. Jude benefits from her efforts and she’s glad to do it so I guess it’s a win-win for both. Then on December 12th she will be having surgery on her thyroid to remove a growth that’s inside of it. Please pray that that surgery will be successful and she’ll heal quickly. Linda Lou seems to be getting good reports on her foot every two weeks and we’ll continue praying for her as she continues to heal. Only eight more weeks of being in the wheel chair and then she can start putting weight back on that foot. Linda and Jim, along with their kids and grandkids, will be leaving on Christmas day for Hawaii for ten days and I know they will all have so much fun. Hawaii is such a beautiful place! We’ll be headed to Florida in just one month and I am looking forward to that. I’m praying we’ll have a good two month, we both stay healthy, and the sun will shine every day and the beach will be perfect.
Guess that’s all I know for now. Pray for all of us that will be traveling the next few days and that we never forget to be thankful for all the many blessings we enjoy. Love to each of you.