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Getting closer….

Only 19 more days and we’ll be headed towards Florida.  Our landlords for this year are gifting us almost two weeks of additional days and we’re taking advantage of most of that time.  There is one stipulation…it can only be George and I.  Guess they have done this in the past and the renters abused the privilege.  We’re grateful and will not abuse it.

I am so sad about all the fires and destruction going on in, and around, Gatlinburg.  There are so many homes gone, businesses gone, a few have even lost their lives, and the wildlife is being destroyed.  The worse part is that some of these fires were set by some sick guy….and the fires rage on!

November sure did fly by quickly and I know December will do the same.  December is loaded with birthdays, not to mention Christmas, so we have lots of celebrating to do.

Not much news and I’m taking a friend to her doctor’s appointment in a bit so guess I’ll run for now.  Have a great week and let’s all pray these horrible fires will soon be out, we all remain healthy through these winter months, and we’ll recognize all the blessings we have each, and every, day.  Love to you all.


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