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Last week was a good week….

This past week was a time of celebrating some special people in our family.   First…my OLDEST brother, Lawrence, got another year older on the 4th…second, our second son, Clark, got to celebrate his birthday also on the 4th…grandson, Branden, celebrated his birthday on the 7th…and we finished the week with our oldest son, Carter, celebrating his birthday on the 10th.  I love each one of these guys and I’m so thankful they are all having more birthdays.  

This week, we will celebrate the life of another grandson, Blake, as he turns 17 on the 15th.  Blake is a great guy and such a joy to be around.  We have one more grandson to celebrate on the 24th, Ryan, and he’s turning 22.  We’ll end the month by celebrating the birth of George’s only brother, Chipper, as we will celebrate his life on the 28th.  That’s a lot of birthdays in just one month!

When we mix Christmas with all these birthdays, we have a full month of celebrating!  We’re also going to be headed to Florida on the 19th and will celebrate with the folks in that area the birth of our Lord and Savior.  We are a blessed family…both physically and definitely spiritually.

We were pleased to have Lacey come over for lunch on Friday and she’s quite an amazing girl.  She’s doing a great job as a Louisville police officer and has lots of interesting stories to share.  I pray she will always remain safe and continue to make Louisville a better place to live…gotten pretty bad in several areas.  Also, on the 3rd we went to Louisville to hear Ira Glass speak and he was quite good and Meredith was thrilled to have that experience.  Since she’s big into NPR radio, he’s right up towards the top of her favorites.

Yesterday, Saturday the 10th, we went over to Louisville to spend a few hours with the Gabehart’s and that was fun.  They are all doing well and all of them are really busy right now.  Madi and Tyler are doing their finals at school this week, Kyle is home and going to start working at UPS tomorrow, Melissa sold a house while we were there, and UPS is keeping Byron busy with very long days until the end of this year…gotta love the pay checks but hate the hours!

Guess that’s about it for now.  This will be a busy week getting ready for our 10 weeks in Florida while wrapping up things around here.  We have a house sitter for MOST of our time away so Scuffy won’t starve which means I’ll have to leave it clean, along with cleaning the “blue house” when our guest leaves Thursday.  We have more guest on the calendar, but arrangements are made for that to all be cared for.

Definitely looking forward to warmer days and these cold ones STINK!  Have a great week and get those stockings hung ’cause Santa will be here soon.  Love to you all!


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