After 10 weeks of sunshine, warm days/cool night, and the ability to go to the beach daily, we are now back in cool…more like COLD to me…windy Wilmore. Our trip home was almost uneventful and we’re always thankful for that. Once we got back in the area of Jelico, TN., on Wednesday morning, the heavy rain began along with extremely strong winds. We learned later that we were actual in an area that was having damaging winds along with some tornadoes. Regardless, we made it home safely…thank you Lord…and then the task of unpacking began. It took the rest of the day to get unpacked, put all the stuff up, check on the “blue house” which created a new concern.
On Monday…our last full day in Florida…one of the ladies taking care of the guest house called and said I have some bad news for you…have never liked hearing those words. The guest house has had a HUGH batch of cluster flies take up residency and they really have to move out as guest were coming in. I panic, George calls our exterminator, and they came right out and set off a couple of “bombs” that would hopefully kill them. Well, it did kill a bunch but many more are still living there. There’s nothing else we can do except kill them as we find them and pray we have a freeze to help eliminate them. Again, something I don’t like to hear…FREEZE. This evening (Thursday) a young family has arrived along with their 5 children…they had been informed about the flies but were very understanding of our problem. We’ve made a deal with the kids…all quite young…that we’d give them 25 cents for every fly they catch, and destroyed. One little boy got right on it and is now 25 cents richer! We’ll have the house sprayed again in the fall but for now that’s all we can do…bribe our guest to kill them. Guess we’ll be passing out lots of quarters between now and then. Thank goodness, the cluster flies are not aggressive, or bite, but I sure don’t want them in my home and even more so at the “blue house”. Oh the joys of not having a real winter!
We did have a fabulous ten weeks in Florida, spent quite a lot of time on the beach, enjoyed time with friends from Kansas and Wilmore that are all there through April, made some new friends that were our neighbors, ate some delicious shell fish (shrimp, lobster, and scallops), saw a pretty rainbow on the one day it really rained…and they so desperately need rain…,enjoyed both sunrises and sunsets, and walked many miles during those ten weeks…hopefully I’ll continue walking once it warms up here. The wedding cruise was fun and we enjoyed seeing Nassau. Cruising is fun and the best place to really “see” people…a lot need to look in a full length mirror before leaving their rooms!
It’s getting late and I’m tired so I’m closing for now. Have a great weekend and pray all those nasty cluster flies are DEAD. Love to you all.