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Happy Memorial Day….

We, as a nation, are so blessed to have the young men and women that are willing to defend our country and allow us to continue to live in freedom.  We all know that freedom comes with a great price and many of these brave souls will even sacrifice their lives to keep us free.  Thanks to all that have served, and are serving…especially Chase as he’s doing one of the most dangerous jobs the Army has to offer…and may you all come home soon.

Blake is playing in a baseball tournament today so we’ll be spending today remembering our vets and going to his game…about two hours from Wilmore…and looking forward to that.  Sure hope the “team” shows up so they’ll win!  Love high school baseball and college football so I stay entertained pretty much year around.

George and I continue to stay healthy, and busy, for the most part and for that we are so thankful.  I did have a “bug” for a couple of days this last week but nothing serious and, thankfully, I didn’t share it with George.  We are enjoying near perfect weather and that’s always a plus.

This coming Saturday we’ll be celebrating Meredith’s graduation with a big party, at their house, and I feel sure that will be fun event.   She’s looking forward to getting on to college, at Lipscomb, and is currently planning to study pre-law…I know she’ll do well there, too.  Both Jerod and Kyle excelled this past year and Kyle is 1/2 finished with his BS and already planning where he’ll go for his masters.  Jerod has completed one year of being on campus but he, too, is a junior so their college days are passing by quickly.

Guess that’s about it for now.  Thanks again to all the past, present, and future brave souls that fight to save our freedom.  Now if we can just get on board and not try to destroy ourselves from within, we’ll do a lot better.  May Jesus be our constant guide and may we never fail to recognize him as Lord.  Love to all.


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