I just know spring wants to come and stay but old man winter just won’t leave. We do have sunshine today, which is always a plus, but it’s only 31 degrees and that’s way to cold for these old bones. I am thankful it’s not raining, or snowing, and when I look at what’s going on in Nebraska, I am ashamed of complaining about the cold. That entire state is almost under water!
Not a lot is happening currently and that’s always a good thing. We were thrilled with Linda’s recent report and to know the chemo is working…Clark and Vanessa are both finished with the flu, and pneumonia for him, and we are glad they are back to being their sweet, somewhat healthy, selves…Meredith is having a ball with her “over seas” semester and is especially thrilled to have Colton there with her this week…Jerod is home for spring break since his dorm closed and he didn’t want to be homeless for the week…Kyle is getting very excited for May 10th to roll around as that’s his WKU graduation day…Blake will graduate on May 24th (or 25th) from WJHS and he’ll be headed to LU in the fall. Lucky Tanya and Daniel…3 kids at LU at one time. Maybe a Go-Fund-Me Page would be appropriate? For all the others…nothing happening that we know about so I’m believing all is well with each of them.
Let’s all enjoy this new week, do unexpected things for others, and just be grateful for the life we’ve been given. Love to you all.