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Fall has arrived….

What an amazing day today has been here in Wilmore!  Today was our Arts & Craft fair down on Main Street and it was, by far, the best one we’ve ever had.  We had more vendors…some from other towns…and the crowd was loving it…the only thing I bought was some okra at the farmers market.  The stores were bustling and the crowd was shopping while the temperature was near perfect.  Of course, the really true Art Fair is, also, today in Louisville…the St. James Art Fair which runs from Friday through Sunday.  Now that one is a HUGH event, a lot more art and a lot less craft, and the crowd would be enormous.  If fact, the schools are closed on Friday so the teachers can go but it’s declared as an inservice day.  You truly can’t see it all in one day and it’s always fun to go.  Now that we’re “older” we settle for the Wilmore experience.

This week has been a busy one for us.  We’ve had the pleasure of cleaning the “blue house” a couple of times, got my nails done, went to my Monday night bible study which is always good, had lunch with a friend and dinner Tuesday with friends from Lawrenceburg, saw my celiac doctor on Wednesday and got a good report, and celebrated Tanya’s birthday that evening, cooked a meal for the guys…about a dozen…at the woodworking place George volunteers for on Thursday…this is a homeless outreach…, went to Tyler’s talent show on Thursday at EKU with Melissa and that was great, and then George topped off our week by having a colonoscopy on Friday…won’t have the pleasure of that experience again for another three years.  So with that all said our grand finale was our Arts (?) & Craft fair.  This next week we’ll be cleaning the “blue house” multiple times but not much else happening but things do have a way of popping up and keeping us going.

Also this week we will celebrate Lori’s birthday on Sunday, Jimbo’s on Monday, and Scott’s on Thursday.  We wish them a very Happy Birthday and may they have another great year of life.  It’s amazing how quickly these birthday’s seen to roll around.  Thankful for each one and so glad they are a part of my life.

We have still had NO rain for over a month and everything is so dry.  They said we have a chance of getting some rain on Sunday and Monday but each time I look at the weather page the percentage has decreased.  Definitely won’t be any bon fires at any of the homecomings this year.

Tanya, Daniel, and Grayson are in Philadelphia for their fall break and will be headed to New York City on Monday for the remainder of the week.  Meredith and Blake will come home for their break…one whole day…on Thursday and it will be good seeing both of them. Not sure what Jerod will be doing but I’m sure it will be good whatever he does…may be going camping with his future in-laws?

Guess that’s about it for now.  Have a great weekend and enjoy this fall weather.  Love to you all.



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