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Good-bye November

It’s been a month since I posted anything on here so guess it’s time to write something.  November was a busy, cold, month but it ended with a bang!  Thanksgiving was celebrated at our “little” house this year and it was so much fun.  George rented a four-sided tent that was put up in the back yard and it worked out perfect.  Melissa and Byron bought a patio heater that kept us warm and we had 22, of the 30 that we invited, show up.  Everyone brought the food item that they had signed up to bring…plus other goodies…so there was an abundance of food, much laughter was throughout the day, and great conversations…it was rather loud at times but the police never showed up so all was good…lol.  Melissa was the one that carried the load to see that it all happen, and made it so successful, so we owe her a big thank you.  THANK YOU, Melissa.  Maybe that can become our new tradition?  It is a lot of work but such great memories were made.

Melissa and all her crew went back home Thanksgiving night, Carter and Lori went back home yesterday (Friday), and Scott, Allison, Neyland, and Turner will be leaving for home sometime today (Saturday).  Guess that means the party is really over as we’ll be back to just us in our quiet little home.  

Our next project around here will be on December 10th…a day of spreading joy.  Melissa, and a group of her friends, are coming to Wilmore to make flower arrangement to give to others in honor of Ryan’s memory…that’s what she did with the funeral arrangements.  Our day of great sadness is going to be spend in spreading joy to others.

Of course the month of December is filled with family birthdays…Clark, Lawrence, Branden, Carter, Jackson, Sonny, Blake, and Chipper…of course we will be thinking about Ryan’s birth on Christmas eve.  Such a busy month with Christmas among the mix.  Once that’s all over with we will head for Florida on the 29th and I’m sure looking forward to some warm weather.  

Today is another cold, rainy day with snow being predicted by Monday.  OK, we can all shout…YUCK!  Guess that’s enough for now.  Have a great day, stay warm, and go CARDS!  Love college sports.


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