Who would have ever thought that we’d be quarantined to our own homes because we’re OLD? I can honestly say that in my 78 years of life, this never crossed my mind. EVER!!! The coronavirus has turned our world upside down and we can’t even predict when it might get back to some semblance of what we felt to be normal. Life will go on, hopefully, and we’ll all be looking forward to being able to go to a restaurant, movie theatre, mall, ect at some point in the near future. We’re all praying this virus will be soon contained and eventually eradicated.
About the time the virus hit the USA, we had just gotten back home from the two months of sunny Florida and we were now heading to Nashville to see our California cousins. We all met up at Linda and Jim’s on Tuesday, the 10th, for dinner and an evening of the Grand Ole Opry…no virus there, I’m sure. That was a fun time and our first experience of going there. I’d recommend it to any of you that might be in Nashville. It’s a good thing we went when we did because they closed it to the public a couple of days after that. I guess the virus was knocking at the doors. We did a few more touristy things while there, and then on Thursday night, Linda had a big dinner that included all local blood relatives…21 in total. It was so fun and I loved being with everyone. Thanks to Linda and Jim for their hospitality.
We came home on Friday morning and it was our turn to entertain Ferdie, Cathi, and Judy. I had the Crockett’s join us for dinner that night so they could enjoy meeting, and being, with my cousins. It was a fun time. After breakfast at our local establishment on Saturday morning, we did the tour of our area including downtown Wilmore, High Bridge, and Keenland. The only thing we were able to get to see at Keenland was the gift shop because of the virus. The girls managed to drop a few dollars there for things for their kids/grandkids back in sunny California. Did I mention it was raining? The long predicted rain had finally showed up. Keenland is beautiful but somewhat disappointing when you can’t go inside. We managed to enjoy what was available so guess that’s all that matters.
We then headed to Frankfort to see several beautiful horse farms along the drive and to tour one of the many distilleries around here. That was fun and, again, several gifts were bought by all. Once we got back home, we rested for a while and then we were treated to a great steak dinner at a good restaurant in Lexington. They again had breakfast with us on Sunday before heading for the airport in Cincinnati. They were finally home that night and, I’m sure, tired and ready to hit the sack. I pray they were not in contact with anyone with the virus on the flights home, or while here or in Nashville, and that the memories made will be relived for many years. Thanks for coming and we do hope it won’t be another 20 + years before we see each other.
The “blue house” is totally open for March since all the booked guest have cancelled. Others are now cancelling for April and May so this may be a very lean year for the “blue house”. This is not surprising since everything around is closed, or cancelled, that would bring people to our area….no basketball, no graduations, no restaurants open except for carry out, and even no churches are open. This is going to be a long ride. I’m just praying we all stay well and, should we get the virus, survive it. Only God has the answers so I’m trusting Him.
Guess I’ve rattled on long enough. Have a great week, stay well, warm, and know you are love by me.