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A big day for Meredith….

Today Meredith moved out of her parents house to create her own home in Nashville.  She has rented a condo and she’ll be starting her new job as a paralegal soon..So she’s truly “grown up” now.  This is hard to believe that she’s a college graduate, has an adult job, her own home, and will be applying for law school in just a few months.  I am so proud of her and her desires to help those in our society that are often forgotten.  She’ll be an excellent attorney.  The days are long but the years sure fly by far so fast.

Jerod, too, has moved into his apartment that’s close to the UK campus where he’ll be starting med school in the fall….sure hope they will have actual classes and not just internet classes.  He and Rebekah have cancelled their BIG wedding due to COVID-19 but they are getting married at some point this summer.  Next June 11th they will have a celebration, and renewal of their vowels, before all the family and friends.  With the graduations all cancelled (3) and the wedding changed, their lives have really been rearranged along with some disappointments.  But, life goes on and we adjust.  The Crockett’s nest will be empty this fall when Grayson joins Blake at Lipscomb.

We continue to stay close to home…occasional outing to get groceries…and it hasn’t bee too difficult for us since we’re retired.  It is sad that the grocery store is lacking some of our favorite things…especially my gluten free stuff…and I’m expecting it to get worse before it gets better.  We’re thankful we’re still eating and able to get what we do…and we remain well.  So many are a lot less fortunate.

We finally have a beautiful day today.  The weatherman said yesterday that we have had rain/snow 89 days out of the last 120.  That’s a little much!  We all know that once the rain stops, we’ll be back to praying for rain come July/August.  Seems we’re never satisfied for long periods of time.

Guess there’s no news to share so I’ll get off here.  We’re enjoying our Sunday Zoom meetings and we’re really looking forward to hearing Clark read his famous poem from the 4th grade.  Have a good weekend and wear your mask when you go out and wash those hands.  Love to you all.




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