The title of this post is what my sister always would say as a child when she felt cold. Today is one of those days. The sun is in/out, the wind is brisk, and the temperature is in the low 50’s, and it’s May 20th. Winter will NOT let go and keeps flexing his muscles but I still have confidence it will be warm, and stay warm, soon. We continue to have lots of rain which makes it all that much colder but, rest assured, once this is all over we will be HOT, DRY, and HUMID.
George and I continue to stay put for the most part…so we’re still well and doing great. We did venture out to Cosco’s the other day which proved to be an adventure. I had loaded up my buggy with lots of gluten free items along with a package of scallops, snacks, etc and was getting some meat when someone hijacked my buggy. We looked everywhere thinking we’d find it abandoned once the person realized they had walked off with the wrong buggy. But NO! We now had to back track and try to remember all we had gotten on the first go ‘round and did manage to spend quite a lot of $$$ so I guess we got all, plus more, than was necessary.
Grayson is going to have a graduation ceremony…well sort of…at the RJ Corman air strip on this Friday which also happens to be his birthday. I’ll write more about this once we see just how it goes off. It’s better than nothing and they are being recognized but in a most unusual manner. We’re so proud of him and he has excelled throughout his 12 + years of school. He’s looking forward to college and I know he’ll excel there, tool.
Guess I’ve exhausted all I know to share so I’ll get back to my crocheting. Stay well, wear your mask, and wash your hands multiple times each day. Love to all.