We have been in Florida for approximately six weeks and these six weeks have flown by. We’ve had some absolutely stunning days along with some very unusual cold days. We are currently dealing with cool days (55 today) with LOTS of strong wind. No matter how cool, windy, or sunless days we might receive, we are 100% better off than we would be at home. We’ll still have winter weather when we get home in March but it won’t last too long before spring will take over. Since we arrived here I have managed to read 10 novels, crochet one baby afghan, and one lap blanket for a friend. That just goes to show how “do nothing” we are this year. We do get to the beach and that’s where I do a lot of my reading. We, also, completed a 1000 piece puzzle and will be starting another one tomorrow.
We continue to safe distance ourselves around others, wear our mask, and eat at home because of the COVID virus. We are blessed to say we are still COVID free. We had hoped we might be able to get the vaccine while here in Florida but that’s not going to happen. You have to have proof of this being your primary resident. Therefore, we don’t qualify. I hope we’ll be able to get one once we get home but we’ll see. Lacey, Clark, and Vanessa are all currently struggling with COVID and I’m praying hard they will soon be OK. They all have coughing, headaches, lost her taste/smell (Lacey), V & L have run fever off and on, and all have pain and ache. This virus is so unpredictable and reacts so differently with everyone and is far from being under control as of now. We’ll keep praying for God to eradicate it and for C, V, & L to get well along with the millions around the world.
This week begins a busy week of birthdays…Chase on the 6th, Tyler on the 7th, ME on the 8th, Margie on the 9th, and the twins on the 12th. We are all getting OLD but we’re all still upright so all is well. I do hope each one has a very happy birthday and another good year of life.
Guess that’s about it for now. Have a safe week, stay well, continue to wear that mask and social distance, keep warm, and pray for this virus to end. Love all that read this.