It has be ages since I’ve been on here and I still have very little to write about. George and I are both doing well and he has improved enormously since August 28, 2021…the day he was able to come home after being in the hospital/rehab for one month. He is still going to PT a couple of times each week and that has proven to be beneficial and the leg/back pain is becoming more manageable. We give God the glory for all of his healing, along with some really good doctors and nurses.
In just 17 days we will be headed to Florida and I am looking forward to being back there. This will be our first year to stay for three full months…November 29 – March 1. We do have friends that have already returned so we will, hopefully, be welcomed back. We are anticipating many fun get togethers during those three months. The weather should be great but we’ll take whatever the Lord provided as long as it’s warmer than it is in Wilmore.
We are looking forward to enjoying our Thanksgiving meal with the Gabehart’s but sorry some of our kids are not able to join us. Once all the kids started creating their own families, living further apart, and having jobs that require them to be present has made it nearly impossible to all get together. Regardless where we all are, our thoughts and prayers will be with each one. We are blessed to have so many precious people in our family.
Guess I’ve rattled on long enough. November is the birth month for Vanessa, Rebekah, and was, also, Jerre’s birth month. I hope both Vanessa and Rebekah have a great birthday and truly know how special they are to this family unit. Have a great Thanksgiving, stay warm, safe, and love to you all.