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May is in the books….

We enjoyed several activities during the month of May and that made the month just fly by. We were able to visit Linda, Jim, Jim, Jr.,Lawrence, Linda Lou, and Buddy for our one night stay with the Arnett’s. Linda fixed a very delicious meal that we all shared and enjoyed, had some good conversation throughout the afternoon, and then Linda, Jim, George, and I hit Green Hills Grill for a “happy hour menu” dinner. The next morning George and I headed to Florence, Al. to spend a couple of days/nights with Carter and Lori…that’s always fun.

While at Carter and Lori’s we enjoyed boating and the guys fished for large mouth bass. In the process of their search for bass, Carter caught a very large carp and they said it weighed about 45-50 lbs and it was truly big enough to have weighted that much. It took quite a while to get him out of the water but Carter finally did. It was a unique catch as he was hooked in his tail…several nice bass were also caught so the fishing was successful. That evening a cookout was planned and that was super nice. They had invited Chipper, Marjorie, Jerry, Margaret, Jimmy, and Rita so that brought all the cousins together, that lived in that area, together for many tall tales and great conversation. It had been years since we had all been together and it was very appreciated.

Once we left Alabama, we headed to Oxford, MS to see Colton graduate from Ole Miss with his Masters of Education degree. That was good being with most of the Crockett’s, Colton’s family, along with Meredith and Colton. We had never been there so we enjoyed the ride over that morning and then the ride to Scott’s that afternoon.

We were able to spend a couple of nights at Scott, Allison, Neylon, and Turner’s and we sure enjoyed being there. The twins are getting so big and they all seem to live a very busy life. Allison has her hands especially full since both of her parents are having lots of health issues and have been moved into an assisted living facility….this is a big adjustment for all. They will be selling their home and have had to downsize a LOT and that is always hard when you see all your stuff as a treasure. I’m praying they will adjust well, Allison can get back to doing what she needs to do for herself and her family, and know her parents are happy.

We are all excited to know that Jerod and Rebekah, Chance and Emily, and Kyle and Gabby are all expecting a baby this year. Jerod/Rebekah are due August 22, Chance/Emily are due August 31, and Kyle/Gabby are due December 3 or 4…I’ve heard both days. Of course the two August baby’s are boys and I feel pretty sure another boy will arrive in December but a girl would be nice. That will make us 8 great-grand babies. We are so blessed!!!!

We are both doing well and enjoying quite a bit of porch time since the weather has finally gotten fantastic. Of course, this weekend it’s suppose to get HOT and a little HUMID, but that’s OK as that’s so much better than cold and snow. George will be having another biopsy on June 6th to check the prostate cancer status and we’re praying for a good result from that. He is doing well, for the most part, and we are so thankful for that. I, too, am doing well and I managed to put down 10 bags of mulch yesterday and found out that that’s a lot of mulch. I was really tired after I got through but all is well today. It’s amazing what a good night of rest can do for this old body.

This month of June, we’ll be celebrating Daniel turning 50, Colton’s birthday, Linda Lou’s birthday, Michael, Buddy, and Victoria birthday’s and our 61st anniversary. Another month of celebrating is good!

Guess I’v rattled on long enough and may you have a great summer and may we all stay healthy. Please pray for good results from the biopsy, for Clark’s mouth/teeth after some extensive dental work on May 30, and for these mama’s-to-be to have a healthy baby and easy delivery. Life continues to be good and I love you all.


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