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Spring some days only

We’ve been home for a little over a month and the weather in Kentucky can’t decide if we are to be warm or cold. Most days, so far, have been cold and gloomy with an occasional beautiful Spring day. The trees and flowers are blooming and that makes for some really pretty sights. Easter Sunday was cool for church but beautiful in the afternoon for the kids wanting to hunt eggs. Monday and Tuesday were really nice and then on Wednesday (yesterday) we had tornadoes, straight line winds, and lots of heavy rain. I keep thinking we came home too early but then I remember this is the way it always is in March and April. I am thankful we have a nice warm, and dry, house to stay in and we never lost power like so many have.

I am having some back related issues and will be having a MRI on April 16th and then see the neurosurgeon on the 19th. My back doesn’t hurt all that much but my hips are which makes it hard for me to walk. It’s been around 35 years since I had my fusion so it may need a little something to relieve any pressure on the muscles. A fusion isn’t suppose to last much more than 15 years, or so I’ve been told, so I’ve done very well for a very long time. I thought my right knee was going out but the doctor said there’s no difference in it from when he checked it in 2016. There again, it’s the nerves from the back that run down the leg. Other than that, I’m good. George is doing well, for the most part, and is still sassy so I’d say he’s still good to go.

We’re looking forward to the bridal shower for Olivia and Tyler on the 13th and then all the Crockett graduations (Grayson, Meredith, and Jerod) in May. George will finally catch up to me in age on the 14th, and Tyler and Olivia’s wedding on the 18th of May, Those will be some fun, but busy, weeks and I’m looking forward to all that celebrating.

We were thankful to have Melissa and Byron come over for a few hours on Monday . They were going to be sort of close by getting some things done for the rehearsal dinner. That dinner is a big deal and they found a really cute place to have it in Versailles…so they were closer than Louisville…and there will be 53 in attendance. Should be fun!

We are glad that Clark and Vanessa had the opportunity to take her dad back to Texas to be buried by her mom. That’s such a sad time but knowing he’s at rest makes it somewhat easier, hopefully. Vanessa was able to be with her sister and encourage her to work hard at beating the cancer that’s currently in her body. We understand that Dwayne had a military funeral and some of his long time friends, and family, were able to attend which would have made him very happy. Life can be hard and when you love deep you grieve deep. Thankful for the love you had for all those years. Love you much Vanessa and Clark.

Guess that’s about it for now. Still hoping Spring will come to stay and we’ll be through with this cold for the next several months…we may get some snow tomorrow. YUCK!!!

May all of you have a warm, sunny spring and lots of fun times to enjoy. Love all that are still hanging around.


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