Well, my arm is much better, surgery is no longer even being considered, and I’m to continue to do the exercises twice daily until my arm is 100%. I’m also to discontinue using the brace at night unless I see a difference in the pain, etc. It’s still a mystery as to why the nerve became upset, but I’m thankful we’re headed towards recovery. Both the doctor and the therapist said it will take months for it to be completely pain free. So I guess patience is going to have to be practiced.
Today I went to Sam’s and got lots of groceries that I like to buy in bulk before I headed towards Kroger’s. I was dreading Kroger’s since it was senior day, but I evidently got there at just the right time…not many were shopping and I saved over $33 with the senior discount and by using my Kroger Plus card. So life is good!
It’s suppose to turn bitter cold again tomorrow and I’m not looking forward to getting out in the morning. The ladies class I’ve been attending has concluded but we’re having a brunch tomorrow morning as a final wrap-up of the class. We’ve been having really cold weather for several days, but today we got a one day break and got up in the low 50’s. We’re thankful for each day regardless!
Enjoy your evening.