Happy 38th birthday Melissa! You are truly a delight and a wonderful daughter…even spent her special day working the yard sale.
Let me tell you about this very special event. We were scheduled to open at 7 am. Well, at 6:30 am we look outside and they are waiting to get to our treasures. In fact, we had a hard time getting the items away from the garage door so they could get into the garage…they knew about our “treasures” and the value of them, I guess. George was moving our van and his truck out to the street and in the process ran over a mouse…this was a first as we’ve never had mice before. Some kind lady brought that to our attention…”There’s a squashed mouse on your drive! YUCK!”…didn’t slow down the shoppers however. So now the day is off and running. We had over one hundred attend, sold over $700, and ended the day with Melissa trying to be helpful to a lady and give her a good deal on a doll stroller. She picked it up to hand it to the lady and some of the wheels fell off. The price was now reduced from $4 to FREE but she was no longer interested. Needless to say, we both thought this was terrible funny!
Melissa made out the best since she had one high ticket item…a Go-Cart! It’s amazing some of the things people bought and we had everything marked dirt cheap so that helped them buy lots of stuff. Some things we thought would never sell were the first things picked…other items we knew would go are still in the garage and going to Goodwill on Monday. We were blessed with a perfect day to do a yard sale, but we are all glad it’s over and don’t plan on another one any time soon. Clark and Vanessa will be having their yard sale on May 17th and we wish them luck! They have even more treasures since they are moving! It was an enjoyable day and we met some really nice people in the process.
Save your treasures, have a yard sale, and get to experience the fun just as we did today.