Yesterday Ryan wrestled in another tournament in the Louisville area and he came in 5th out of 16 in his weight class. He didn’t win all his matches that day, but he did get in a couple of pins, scored points, and then got pinned at least once. He’s really doing well for his first year and this is very good experience should he decide to continue this sport in high school next year. Way to go Ryan!!!
I’ve been texting Lacey yesterday and today and she’s not feeling all that great even yet. Having your tonsils out is a really big ordeal and she’s finding that out!  She did well through the surgery, never has been sick at her stomach as far as I know, continues to have a terrible sore throat, can only speek in a whisper, has been unable to sleep because of the pain, but she did say today is somewhat better. Also, she did sleep a little better last night…thank goodness for pain medicine! She’s suppose to start her college classes on the 14th and we’re just praying she’ll be up to attending….therefore, keep praying for her, please.
We heard yesterday ,via Carter, that Chase and Chance had really good semester grades this past semester. Chase will graduate in December of ’09, the last I heard, and Chance has completed his first semester. Congratulations guys!  Keep up the good work.
I don’t have updates on any of the other grandkids, so I feel sure all is well with each of them.
It’s really a COLD, dreary day today with no sunshine. Unfortunately, it’s going to get worse before it gets even a little bit better here. By Thursday/Friday it’s to be in the minus figures at night and only in the teens by day. George said today that maybe we should just pack up and go to Florida early. Don’t think we will because of appointments we have scheduled between today and the 22nd. Sounds good though!
Stay warm, have a productive week, and do some act of kindness every day.