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Clark leaves for Iowa today

We will certainly miss having Clark and his family here in Louisville, even though we didn’t see them often…it’s comforting knowing they are here.  We wish them much happiness in Burlington and I pray Clark will find much satisfaction in this new job…no longer the stresses of Ford Motor Company!  They are leaving today but Vanessa and Lacey will return on Sunday for Lacey to finish out the school year.  They listed their home yesterday and that was really an emotional thing.  They finally got their home just like they wanted it and have decorated it to the max…now they get to start over in Burlington.  God bless each of you as you start this new chapter of your life.. 

We had them for dinner Tuesday night and it was so good having all of them here.  There was a cloud over the evening since they had to have their longtime pet, Bo, put down that day.  Regardless, they were here, we ate together, and enjoyed being together.

The garage sale was a success, the garage is now clean and orderly, and now for my next project…finish doing the flower beds.  It’s raining for the next couple of days…what else should it do with the derby activities going on…so it will be next week before that’s finished.

Our “young ladies” class at church is going very well.  They are so sweet and serious about having a RELATIONSHIP with God and not just about becoming more “churchy”.  The book we’re using by Chip Ingram…”God As He Longs For You To See Him”…has been and excellent guide and well worth reading just for pleasure.

The treadmill is calling so I’d better go before I quit listening!
