Louisville can once again get back to whatever our normal is. Hopefully, now that our visitors will be leaving our city, the gas prices will return to somewhat of a reasonable price…$3.19 is just too high! We do enjoy many things during these weeks of derby activities, but we sure don’t enjoy the traffic. Thanks visitors for helping our economy…that’s always a plus!
Clark and Vanessa have put a contract on a house in Burlington and now to get there home here sold ASAP. Melissa did show it this afternoon and the people really liked it so here’s hoping.
I have a friend to add to everyone’s prayer list. If fact she’s my director with BeautiControl, Geri Bare. She was in a very serious automobile accident Friday and is in serious condition. She has a fractured disk in her back, two broken ankles…one required surgery last night…cuts, bruises, and scrapes all over her body. She lost control of her car during a heavy rain storm and rolled it several times ending up on top of a stone wall. She’s so blessed to still be alive! She is single and BC is her only means of support so not sure how all this will pan out. Just pray she will have complete recovery and she will be relieved of the pain she’s now experiencing.
George and I are fine and looking forward to going to Abilene to see Mom and Dad later this month. We’re going to be flying this time and it will be a little cheaper than if we drove and a lot less tiring. We are also going to walk/run in a 5K this coming Saturday at the Zoo and that will be fun. We have a great zoo and it will be a good workout since there are some really good hills. We also have a new baby elephant that was born this spring. Let’s hope the weather will be good and we finish in a timely manner.
Have a good week, and don’t forget to pray for Geri and Andrew…nothing new on him that I know of. They both have a long recovery facing them.