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Winter has returned!

Monday and Tuesday we were enjoying some real spring weather…each day in the 70’s with lots of sunshine, the birds singing, and the flowers blooming.  Well, today…Thursday…it’s currently 32 and not expected to get any higher.  The flowers will definitely be shivering in their beds for the remainder of this week.  Surely it won’t be many more weeks before we can say good-bye to winter for this season.  I definitely can’t wait! 

Meredith had her surgery today to remove the piece of broken bone from her nose…due to the earlier break…and  the surgery went well.  She’s still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia and will for the rest of the day.  She was a little nervous about the whole ordeal, since this is her first experience with surgery, but she is a trooper and handled it well.  She was able to perform in her jump roping event on Tuesday and she did very well.  That’s a lot harder than it looks.  If you don’t believe me, just try jumping rope for close to 45 minutes…a few down times but not many…without messing up! 

My bible study on Daniel is going well but I feel overwhelmed.  I missed six weeks and seem to be having trouble connecting to what’s going on.  Prophecy is hard to understand…at least for me…and I can say I’m struggling to want to continue on.  It is a good study, but I feel I should drop out and pick it up another time when I can go straight through.  We’ll see.  I do keep up with the homework but it’s just not connecting for me.

I’m still debating about entering the 10K on the 21st.  I do think I could walk the 6.2 miles but I’m not sure I want to.  I walked 5 yesterday and was pooped for the rest of the day!  My age is really showing!  Better yet, why do I want to do such a thing at my age?  And George will run it which is even a greater question!  He loves it…guess that’s the difference.  I’ll let you know what I decide…probably after the event that way I’m not committed!

Have a good rest-of-the-week, stay warm, and look at all the signs of spring.  God shows his beautiful handiwork and what a joy to experience it!


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