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A hot one today…

What a difference a day makes.  We left Wilmore yesterday morning with a temperature of 44…get to Abilene to enjoy a day with 97 for a high today!  I loved it!!!  I’m sick of cold weather so this was good for me.  I did get hot walking this morning, however, but I’m not complaining.

We will be doing the final preparation for the Saturday events tomorrow.  The Abilene Reporter News had a full page  coverage on Monday about their 70th anniversary.  I was impressed!  They continue to get cards and calls from people they haven’t seen or heard from in a long time so they are feeling very special.  LL&B got here this evening after another marathon drive from Nashville.  They were bushed but otherwise doing OK for OLD people.

We continue our 42 games and I think at this point we’re tied…daddy still pouts when he’s behind so we have to let them catch up before we give them the “slam dunk”.  It’s fun and I enjoy playing since this is the only time we ever play.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the members of the Vize family.  We are so sorry over your Dad’s death but so thankful his battle is over and he’s now safe in the arms of Jesus.  He showed great courage throughout and your Mother has been a woman of strength and love and a true example of “true love” for her husband.  Treasure the memories!

It’s time for bed so guess I’ll close for tonight.  I’ll let you know all about our weekend but it will be after we get home I feel sure.  I see good weather is coming into KY and let’s hope it stays this time.  NO MORE HEAT BILLS!  I love having my windows and doors open to the fresh air and, of course, the low utilities that go with not using heat or air conditioning.  Enjoy your day/night!


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