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Thanks to our Service Men and Women…

Happy Memorial Day!  A big  Thank you goes out to all our vets and current service men and women for your willingness to protect us all from those wanting to harm us.  You are hero’s in the eyes of so many and may you all be kept safe while doing your job.  THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Yesterday was a rather unusual day.  Saturday night around 11:30 p.m. we got a call telling us that Kyle was in the ER and was going to have surgery ASAP.  Kyle hadn’t been feeling well for quite a while and then on Saturday he started saying he was having pain in his right side…it was never severe but it was continuing.   Melissa decided to go ahead and take him in just to check out the possibility of it being his appendix.  He got there sometime after 7 p.m. and different test and a scan was given and it was definite,  it was the appendix.   He was operated on at midnight and we got a call at 1:15 a.m. on Sunday morning that he was in recovery and doing well.

At 5:30 a.m. we were up and “somewhat” at-um and headed to Louisville by 6:30 a.m.  We spent the day being with Kyle and the other Gabeharts.  We could see a vast improvement by early afternoon in Kyle and he was released from the hospital a little after 9 p.m.  That’s almost a “drive thur” surgical procedure now!  We were very thankful he did well and his recovery time will be only a matter of days and no longer weeks like it use to be.  Love ya Kyle!  We also visited another friend that is recovering from a “quad” heart bypass.  He’s doing well, but sure has a way to go yet!  Hang in there John and we will continue praying for you.

We got back home around 6 p.m. Sunday night and went to our neighbors  home for dinner and a movie.  They are a sweet young couple and have a precious son named Weston…expecting baby #2 in August.  Mark is a student at the seminary and they plan on doing mission work once he completes his  doctorate  program.  They have blessed our lives and, hopefully, we have theirs.  Mark’s parents were also there from Ohio and it was good getting to know them even more.   I was finally in bed by 10:30 p.m. and I slept like a rock…didn’t sleep much on Saturday night ’cause I couldn’t quit thinking about sweet Kyle.  Mother instincts roll over to grandmothers so it’s hard to put some things out of your mind.

We went to the Camp Nelson National Cementary for a Memorial Day  event this morning.  Just as all the speeches, etc. finished the skies opened up and we got soaked.  Thankfully it is warm today and there was no lightening and none of us melted.  A good hot shower and dry clothes solved the problem so all is well once more.  We have the Crockett’s and another family coming here for a cookout this afternoon and I’m thankful it never rained here in Wilmore.  I do hope it will rain later this week as my flowers are needing a good drink of water without chemicals.

We’ll be headed to Clark and Vanessa on Thursday morning for a few days and we’re looking forward to being with them.  Not much else happening so guess I’ll see what I can do towards getting ready for our cookout.

Have a good day, pray for our troops, and praise God for all the blessings we have because of Jesus.


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