I got to watch Jerod and Blake play ball tonight and they both did very well…includes a home run for Jerod and a triple for Blake plus other hits for both of them. Also some good fielding took place! Their team worn 21-5 … or something close to that. After we got home we got a call from Kyle and he had hit a over the center field fence home run. That was a first for him, I believe, and he was excited. This was his first day back since his emergency appendectomy! Three cheers for all four guys…Ryan, Kyle, Jerod, and Blake. You’re all having a great season. I haven’t forgotten Grayson…we just didn’t get to see his last game since we were in Iowa, but he, too, is quite the accomplished ball player. Do I see some college scholarships in the distant future? They’ll probably get a scholastic scholarship so they won’t be needing the baseball ones. Just needed to brag so guess I’ll close for now.