What a busy weekend we had but one that was filled with much fun and excitement. Saturday was the final day for the Crockett boys to play their final game of tournament baseball. The first game was at 10:30 a.m. and they needed to win this one so they wouldn’t have to play a second one. Well…they came up one run short with a score of 10-9. Then the league bar-b-que picnic took place, the awards for all the teams were passed out, and finally around 3:30 p.m. they played their second game…a double elimination series. Thankfully they were able to pull it off with a very exciting last inning. Going into their last time at bats they were down by several runs but they were able to hang in there and win. Grayson got to play with the “bigger” boys since several guys were not able to attend this game. He did well and had gotten an award earlier called “Giving 110%” for his team for the season. That was a real thrill and he said it’s the best award he could have gotten. We were all tired, all sun burnt from being in the near 90 degree temperatures with full sun all day, but we all returned home exhilarated.
Yesterday was Father’s Day and we were invited to participate this day with the Crockett’s and their friends the Walt’s at the lake…they have a friend that has a house on the lake and lets us use it any time we want, which is a very good thing as far as I’m concerned. Tanya and Tiffany had made a breakfast brunch which we all enjoyed before we had our worship service. There’s something so special about being out in God’s nature while worship is going on…very uplifting. Tanya and Daniel have been talking with all their children for sometime what it means to be a Christian and they each one said they wanted to be baptized on this day and this was the perfect setting to honor that request. So we all sang on our way down to the river and J.D. had the honor of baptizing each one. We all gave each one a word of encouragement or a blessing and God was truly honored through all of this. I’m proud of each one and for the decision to want God as your anchor for all that life has to offer you. Love each of you!
After we had finished this time of worship it was time to bring out the fishing poles or swim. Those that fished all caught some but Jerod landed the largest…a carp that weighed 6-8 lbs. He was really excited to have landed it. George has caught one earlier that weighed about 4-5 lbs. and then a second one that must have weighed 8-10 lbs but that one broke off just before we were able to get a net under him. Fun time! Our time together was filled with lots of fun but it was good to finally get home and rest! We’re showing our age since they were all still going strong when we left for home.
Today it’s back to normal but this will be a fun week. On Thursday we’ll be having brunch with Ron and Jean Like, our friends from Kansas/Florida. Then on Friday – Sunday we’ll be in Louisville with the Gabehart kids while Melissa and Byron head to a fun weekend with some of Byron’s cousins, sisters, and friends.
Guess I’d better get back to work as the laundry is calling my name. Have a good week and thank God daily for all the blessings we have that we just take for granted.